Boots on the ground: Personal achievements are not necessarily a sign of transformative policy toward Haiti
Anse-A-Pitre, May 6th 2022
Open letter to
Reverend Jean Miguel Auguste
Rosendale, NY
United States of America
Dear Rev. Auguste,
I hope you are doing well. This morning, we could be all together celebrating a great news because your battle for diversity is apparently winning at the land of Uncle Sam. A Haitian descent, a black woman is promoted to one of the highest leadership roles in the White House. Thanks God!!! Unfortunately, our sorrow and affliction for Haiti are nobly bigger than any personal achievement that might not necessarily be a sign of transformative policy or strategies toward Haiti. Also, I know you are still grieving the recent lost of your love ones. Life is sometime difficult to be apprehended. Death is the final transition to our most important life. We should all be ready to embrace this universal law and live our FIRST life on earth with maximum satisfaction, dignity and respect while in this material body.
Sadly, even the minimum is still out of the perspectives for our people. Death that should be a planned transition for our beloved fellow compatriots, becomes more and more an acceptability of premature deliverance as our current reality of living as nation seems to be counted under the law of Human caprices. Surely, Haitian lives are being counted under the law of elitist selfishness, careless leadership and international complicity.
Reverend, my friend, you are a senior priest, you lived in Haiti for many years. You could tell me more about this imaginable falling to the bottom of hell. Tell me how we are genuinely able to destroy all our essences in just two generations? How Castera & Becassine, neighborhood of carrefour-feuilles, quiet place where I grow up, becomes today a red flag lawless area? How Turgeau, Babiole, Canapevert, with all their beautiful streets can be turned into a public arena for kidnapping? How downtown of Port-au-Prince where College St-Martial, your famous secondary school is located, becomes a place of desolation and stressful site?
Reverend, our conversations are always enriching each other. But, you are always pressuring me to be more engaged in politics… At the beginning of the year, your wishes to me were like a helmet’s coup on the coward head of a young man that you believe , has heart and potentials to make an impact during this generation. However, this week, as a ultimate solution to stop this tragedy and humanitarian disaster, I asked you a pertinent realistic question on the role Haitian-American veterans could play to save Haiti from this chaos. Why we do not have Haitian boots from the diaspora to support Haitian National Police on the ground? you intelligently replied that Haitian-American veterans have the patriotic willingness to do so, but do not strategically receive any offer for funds and logistics support as their Ukrainian counterparts to fight gang violence and restoring democratic order in Haiti.
Consequently, your answer did not convince me and still to me a coward excuse to not response to our call to be on duty as diaspora elites. Furthermore, this morning, we all received a public document that circulating on social media, apparently, an official correspondence from a former Haitian Minister of interior, dated on April 2021 and sent to late President Jovenel Moise’s regarding a list of 14 families that might illegally running guns business in Haiti. (UNCONFIRMED DOCUMENT)
As results, when I see the names in that letter, I feel like there’s no hope for this country. Asking myself will you still try to convince a young man like myself to innocently involved in Haitian politics, a tangible paranoia of evil craziness that creates a valley of death in the capital during the last 30 years? At the end, I consider whether this document is authentic or NOT, the bottom line is those powerful names in the list can all together POSITIVELY transform Haiti if they let themselves convinced by the same fire of patriotism we cultivate and humbly accept to give to any Haitian, whatever his or her skin’s color, religion or social status, the same kind of human love that are boiling in their hearts for their love ones.
For all your due respect Reverend, my resolution, till today, unless God sends Archangel Michael before me with his sword like he did for Joshua before conquering the promise land, I will be staying engaged beside the coffee & cacao farmers and vulnerable children that need my voice to be raised for their causes. “Being successful does not necessarily makes you great. What makes you great is when you reach back and help somebody else becomes great.“ Unknown…
Gumais Jean Jacques
Kaiser kafe, Founder & CEO
Vice-President FPDE
Note: This open letter reflects the sole personal opinions that engage only the author.