Gourdes pour 1 dollar EU
130.62 (0.02%)
vnt 131.46 (0.05%)
vnt 132.00 ach 130.00
vnt 132.25 ach 129.75
vnt 132.50 ach 130.50
vnt 139.00 ach 137.00
vnt 132.00 ach 129.75
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Gourdes pour 1 dollar EU
130.62 (0.02%)
vnt 131.46 (0.05%)
vnt 132.00 ach 130.00
vnt 132.25 ach 129.75
vnt 132.50 ach 130.50
vnt 139.00 ach 137.00
vnt 132.00 ach 129.75
vnt 132.25 ach 129.75
vnt 132.25 ach 130.00
vnt 132.25 ach 130.25

Will Vivek rise to the rank of a new Abraham Lincoln for Haiti?

Meanwhile, Haiti has been occupied by the U.N. under U.S. leadership since the return of President Aristide in 1994… Since then, Haiti’s puppet politicians and oligarchs have prospered, profiting from Washington’s neo-colonial policy, which enables them to destroy the island’s institutions and elevate themselves above the law.

Will Vivek reverse Washington’s racist, neo-colonial policy towards Haiti? Or will he continue to humiliate Haitian immigrants, ignoring the fact that they represent the disastrous consequences of an American policy that supports crooks, incompetents, and slave-minded politicians with the sole aim of keeping Haiti under American domination?

Will Vivek be able to defend the 10 million miserable people who have suffered for generations from the American policy that continues to encourage Haiti’s elites to destroy our local agriculture, dismantle our national army, drain our best brains, and convert Haiti into a neo-colonial state where the economy serves only consumption and the laundering of dirty money?

Will Vivek be able to ask the “NO STOP” humanitarian business guys in Washington where American taxpayers’ money goes in Haiti and what the results are on the ground? Who has benefited from American aid to the Haitian people? Will he treat Haiti with respect, empathy, and consideration like Ukraine, Taiwan, or Israel? Will it support a patriotic agenda from a new generation of Haitian elites?

Will Vivek step up sanctions and prosecute the criminals among Haiti’s elites? Or will he let them profit from the lobby, Florida’s banking system, and real estate market and continue to support them as loyal geopolitical tools to control a nation and turn it into a chaotic mess less than 2 hours from Florida, simply because the people are black?

Will Vivek continue this practice of diplomatic intimidation to force Haiti to maintain relations with Taiwan while the island remains poor and underdeveloped since neither the U.S. nor Taiwan has shown a willingness to fund Haiti’s economic development, as China’s proposals have? Will Vivek support the old-guard politicians in Haiti, as they all have skeletons in the closet, making them vulnerable to manipulation and blackmail?

Is Vivek another “nice talker” like Obama towards Haiti, pretending to help Haiti when he knew that over 70% of U.S. aid would go back to Washington after the 2010 earthquake? Will Vivek put an end to this practice of international corruption? Will Vivek be the new Abraham Lincoln for Haiti? Will he put an end to the isolationist strategy of contentment and humanitarian business, this anti-sustainable development policy, and replace it with win-win cooperation, TRUE neighborly support?

Will Vivek support the rise of millennial leadership in Haiti instead of the outdated status quo, implement a new patriotic agenda, and positively transform Haiti and make the island BEAUTIFUL, TRUE, and GREAT again?

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